English version

Поиск по названию документа:
По содержанию 1 (быстрый):
По содержанию 2:
АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Administering Justice (DIV1.DEP3.JUST-SYS, ETHICS) - P650317-3 | Сравнить
- Fair Game Law - Organizational Suppressive Acts (DIV1.DEP3.JUST-SYS) - P650317-2 | Сравнить
- Rights of a Staff Member, Students and Preclears to Justice (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P650317-2 | Сравнить

РУССКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Администрирование Правосудия (ОХС, ПРАВО) - И650317-3 | Сравнить
- Клирование и Обучение (КРО-4) (ц) - И650317-1 | Сравнить
- Осуществление Правосудия (КРО-1) (ц) - И650317-3 | Сравнить
- Осуществление Правосудия (ОХС, ПРАВО) (ц) - И650317-3 | Сравнить
- Отправление Правосудия (ОХС, ПРАВО) (2) - И650317-3 | Сравнить
- Отправление Правосудия (ОХС, ПРАВО) - И650317-3 | Сравнить
- Подавляющие Действия Против Организации (КРО-1) (ц) - И650317-4 | Сравнить
- Права Сотрудника, Студентов и Преклиров в Правосудии (ОХС, ПРАВО, ПЕРС) - И650317-2 | Сравнить
- Права Членов Персонала, Студентов и Преклиров (ОХС, ПРАВО) - И650317-2 | Сравнить
- Право Штатных Сотрудников, Студентов и Преклиров на Правосудие (ПРАВО, ПЕРС) (ц) - И650317-2 | Сравнить
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Резиденция Сент-Хилл, Ист Гринстед, Сассекс
Выпуск III
RemimeoНе для общего распространения



1. HCO is the Justice agency of Scientology and Scientologists in addition to other functions.

Существует несколько вещей, которые следует хорошо помнить, когда вам следует выполнять функцию правосудия ОХС:

2. All matters of internal Justice in orgs, Committees of Evidence and complaints are taken to the HCO personnel so indicated on the Org Board.

1. Только склонные к преступности желают иметь общество, в котором преступник свободен делать то, что ему вздумается.

3. All Scientologists and staff members in accepting posts or membership agree to abide by the HCO Codes. These include the Justice Codes.

2. Только склонные к преступности достаточно боятся правосудия, чтобы протестовать и жаловаться на то, что оно существует.

4. HCO Justice applies to all Scientology and Scientologists.

3. Без порядка ничто не может расти и расширяться.

5. When we say Legal matters we mean outside law and law agencies such as attorneys, civil courts, suits, contracts and corporation and copyright matters. This comes under Division 3.

4. Правосудие - это один из тех стражей, которые удерживают путь прогресса в качестве такового, а не останавливают движение по нему.

6. When we say JUSTICE we mean HCO, Division 1, Internal activities such as Committees of Evidence, internal enforcement and discipline. Scientology Justice safeguards the rights of Scientologists, prevents injustice, prevents punishment by whim, and brings order. Before the Justice Codes, discipline was inequitable and often unjust. The HCO Justice Codes bettered this by making offenses and penalties known and milder. HCO Justice prevents wrongful disgrace, demotion, transfer or dismissal and protects the staff member's reputation and job from being falsely threatened.

5. Все реактивные умы могут причинять боль и создавать неудобство человеку. Они требуют подавления хорошего и порождения плохого. Следовательно, при отправлении правосудия старайтесь обуздать лишь на чуточку больше, чем это может сделать банк при навязывании дурного действия. Внешняя угроза должна быть достаточной как раз для того, чтобы добиться, чтобы внутреннее давление могло причинить вред меньшей из двух неприятностей. Рассудительность состоит в том, чтобы решить, сколько внешнего сдерживания необходимо применять.

7. In a Condition of Emergency assigned to a Department or org, staff members may be subjected to demotion, transfer or dismissal as the Assignment of the Condition of Emergency suspends the Justice Codes. There is no recourse, then. In addition, offenses may still be made the subject of Committees of Evidence. The thing to do is not get into such a state. Lessened traffic and other matters all found on the OIC charts of each week are the sole evidence used to assign a Condition of Emergency. A Condition of Emergency cannot be assigned unless these graphs show a declining condition.

6. Честные люди предпочитают правосудие. Не путайте мнение большинства, которое хочет его, с ворчанием тех немногих, кто боится его.

8. When the org or department is not in a Condition of Emergency, the protective Justice Codes are in full force.

7. Человек, который драматизирует свое преступное намерение, может прийти в ярость, если его не удержать от нанесения вреда другим.

9. A staff member who believes he has been falsely wronged (unless a Condition of Emergency exists in his department or org) may request a Committee of Evidence of HCO with himself as an Interested Party and this must be granted him. He must however agree to abide by its findings. It can restore any lost pay in cases of injustice but not damages. No senior executive in the org may be named as an Interested Party in matters of recourse requested by a junior but below the level of Executive Councilman may be called as witnesses. An Executive Councilman cannot be called before any Committee of Evidence by anyone in his or her org including other Councilmen of that org. Only a senior org may call Executive Councilmen of a junior org before a Committee of Evidence and then only for a crime or high crime and then only in the premises of the senior org. Do not then seek to name Executive Councilmen as interested parties in any Committee of Evidence and do not seek to name any member of any senior org in any Committee of Evidence requested by anyone in an org junior to it.

8. Тетан - хороший. Он изобрел банк для того, чтобы другие продолжали быть хорошими. Этот механизм оказался ошибочным. И вот почему мы здесь.

10. If a staff member wishes to sue a fellow staff member or right a wrong he or she may request a Civil Committee of Evidence of HCO. HCO usually [appoints] onesenior staff member on which the two contenders can agree. The senior staff member holds a session or sessions and both contenders must abide by his findings and award of any money or damages or return of property. There is no further appeal. A CivilCommittee of Evidence follows the same procedure and has the same rights as any other Committee of Evidence. A Civil Committee of Evidence may not be called by contending co-auditors. These must seek out the D of P and abide by the D of P's advice.

9. В сессии вам следует удерживать вора-взломщика от того, чтобы он не "взорвался" в комнате и не беспокоил преклира. В Саентологии вы держите правонарушителей вне ее, чтобы мы могли продолжать нашу сессию с обществом.

11. Students or pcs may not request Committees of Evidence for causes occurring during a course or an intensive but may appeal in writing to the Division 2 Service Executive. They must report matters covered under the Justice Code, however, to HCO.

10. Ищите человека, который больше всего бранится по поводу правосудия, - и у вас будет именно тот, кого вы ищете.

There are no student rules and regulations except the Justice Codes. All others are abolished. The penalties that can be awarded are for an error, an instructor reprimand, for a misdemeanor, a pink sheet which must be completed before classification is given, for a crime, one to three weeks at the student's expense in the HGC. A Committee of Evidence can also be convened on a student or preclear for offenses as covered in the Justice Codes.

11. Единственный оверт при отправлении правосудия состоит в том, чтобы не работать для максимального добра ради максимального количества.

12. In times of stress, commotion, riot or threats to person, an HCO personnel may instantly deputize any other Scientologist merely by saying loudly, "HCO. Bring Order," making it known in any way that the Scientologist or Scientologists present should intervene or act. Any Scientologist whose help is thus commanded at once becomes deputized by Division 1 by the fact of required assistance and may not be charged before a Committee of Evidence for any act committed in rendering assistance to HCO during the period of stress and must be protected by the organization from any civil authority and the organization must pay any fines or expenses incurred or reasonable costs for damage to dress or hospital aid. When the incident is over, the HCO personnel must say, "HCO thanks you for bringing order," thus ending the deputization.


An HCO Personnel requiring an eviction of a person or persons from a premises or meeting or area need only point to the person or persons and say, "HCO. Order!" Any staff member or Scientologist present is instantly deputized as above and must act promptly to carry out the eviction or be liable under Justice Codes when failing to do so. This can be used in any circumstances, no matter how mild the offender even down to slovenly or unauthorized persons on the premises or in any office. When the person or persons are removed, the HCO personnel removes the deputization by saying, "HCO thanks you for order." These orders apply even when the person causing a disturbance is an officer, director or councilman of another division and none may be disciplined for complying but may be liable under Justice Codes for not doing so.

13. When personnel of other divisions foresee stress or danger, while they themselves have ample authority in their own divisions to handle their own personnel, where Scientologists in general are involved, they may not take Justice in their own hands as it is a Division 1 HCO hat and Divisions must not cross in functions. Where mixed divisions or not staff persons are concerned they should be careful to have an HCO personnel present or available, a wise precaution in event of the possibility of charges or Committees of Evidence resulting, in which case an HCO personnel as a witness would bear weight.
